
22 articles
Dealing with Exceptions in Java is a must, and functional programming doesn’t make it easier. Let’s take a look at the available options.
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“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” –Martin Fowler
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Formatting Strings With Java

 · 7 min
We all know String.format(...). But there are other options. Java has multiple ways of formatting, aligning, padding, and justifying Strings.
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Java NIO (“non-blocking I/O”) is a great feature set for dealing with I/O operations. Introduced by Java 1.4, it was further improved in Java 7.
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The JDK is evolving with every new release, adding more and improving existing features. Beneath the surface are hidden gems that make our lives much easier.
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Immutability is one of the core concepts of functional programming. “Fully” functional programming languages support it by design, at a language-level. But in Java, we need to design and implement it ourselves, at code-level.
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