When we create a new data structure, deciding on its data types is usually a simple decision: text will become a String, non-floating-point numbers will be int, and so forth. But is it the right choice?
Exception handling is a mechanism used to handle disruptive, abnormal conditions to the control flow of our programs. Let’s take a deep-dive how Java deals with them.
“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” –Martin Fowler
We all know String.format(...). But there are other options. Java has multiple ways of formatting, aligning, padding, and justifying Strings.
Java NIO (“non-blocking I/O”) is a great feature set for dealing with I/O operations. Introduced by Java 1.4, it was further improved in Java 7.
About 10 years after Java’s inception in 1996, Sun Microsystems released OpenJDK in 2007, a free and open-source implementation of Java SE. Many companies started to join as contributors.