For a long time, I wanted to be more like a digital nomad: traveling the world and working wherever I got wifi. But after some trial runs, my views changed.
Since its proposition in 1994, CSS has evolved from a static description of simple styles to a cornerstone of modern web design.
The human mind loves to simplify concepts to more natural, understandable terms. That’s why bike sheds, shaved yaks, and airplane landing strips can teach us something about software development and project management.
Until Java 8, there was no better way to handle null references than checking your variables at every turn. The new class java.util.Optional<T> changed that significantly.
Almost no software project lives isolated without dependencies. The spectrum goes from “just use the stdlib” up to “use dependencies for every single line of code”.
What to do if your favorite dependency is not SPM-compatible (yet)? We do it ourselves!