Thanks to the module system of Java 9 and the removal of JavaFX from Java 11, we got some problems running JavaFX apps without older versions of Java.
Good and clean code starts with proper names. It’s not easy to name every little thing in a concise and meaningful way, but it’s worth the effort.
Working with JavaScript is easier than ever before. The ecosystem is continuously expanding, and the entry bar is lowering.
But is this actually a good thing?
Comments help readers to more easily understand code better by explaining our intentions, clarifying, or annotating it. But we tend to comment too much on the wrong things and too little on the right things.
We’ve all been there: One of our dependencies is just a little off for our needs. There might be a decision by the developer we don’t agree or even a nasty bug. What should we do now?
No matter what your daily driver is, most of us also have to write some shell scripts to automate stuff. Usually, bash script, Python, Perl, etc. is used. But what if we could use a compiled language instead?