After becoming a workaholic in the last three years and spending 7 days almost every week in the office, it was time for a vacation and change of scenery: a 25 days trip to South Korea and Japan. But I still needed to work on my book, so I had to take at least one device capable of doing that with me.
Almost 3½ years ago, I moved this blog from GitHub pages to my own little machine in the ether. The deployment process was based on Docker and a single Git hook. To simplify my setup further, I revamped it to use GitHub Actions instead.
Besides lambdas expressions, Java 8 introduced another language syntax change in the form of a new operator, :: (double colon), to create so-called method references.
The first version of my Calibre export tool got released today!
Swift is quite a flexible language, providing you with many tools to modify and augment it as you seem fit. One of these augmentations is the support for custom and overloaded operators.
Setting variables at build-time provides valuable metadata that wasn’t available when writing the code or even at runtime. We can control feature-flags, or build information, like a version number, without updating the Go-code constantly.