
9 articles
I’m happy to announce that my book, “A Functional Approach to Java: Augmenting Object-Oriented Java Code with Functional Principles” is finally available 🥳
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Besides lambdas expressions, Java 8 introduced another language syntax change in the form of a new operator, :: (double colon), to create so-called method references.
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The concept of map/filter/reduce is a cornerstone of any functional programming. Data pipelines consist of one or more intermediate operations that represent one of these three methods.
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Dealing with Exceptions in Java is a must, and functional programming doesn’t make it easier. Let’s take a look at the available options.
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Immutability is one of the core concepts of functional programming. “Fully” functional programming languages support it by design, at a language-level. But in Java, we need to design and implement it ourselves, at code-level.
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Java 8 gave us the Stream API, a lazy-sequential data pipeline of functional blocks.
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