In the previous articles, we explored the fundamentals of Thymeleaf and focused on reusability with fragments and the Layout Dialect.
Now, in this final installment, we’ll dive into the more advanced features, like creating a custom dialect, processors, and more.
It’s time to dive into one on Thymeleaf’s most powerful aspects: layout management and reusability. These concepts are essential for creating maintainable and efficient templates.
Thymeleaf is a modern Java template engine for both web and standalone applications. Although widely used in the Spring ecosystem, it can be integrated into any JVM environment. If you need a dynamic, flexible, and extensible templating engine, Thymeleaf might be just what you need.
Bytecode is the (mostly) invisible superpower of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Even though it’s an essential part of the Java ecosystem puzzle, it’s also a niche topic and behind-the-scenes feature that many of us do only have surface knowledge of. However, there’s a chicken-egg problem lurking within Bytecode libraries which the OpenJDK team intends to fix with JEP 484.
Generics are an indispensable feature in the world of Java programming, shaping how we write and interact with code. Despite their ubiquity and importance, many developers only scratch the surface of what Generics can do.
Dealing with unit conversion is always a pain point. At first, it seems simple enough until you hit the first edge-case. Just like with Date and Time (JSR 310), there’s a well-specified solution available, although not directly in the JDK: the Units of Measurement API (JSR 385).