
3 articles
Swift packages are a neat and simple way to bundle up and share code. They remove the overall complexity by not requiring an Xcode project but instead relying on a filesystem-based project layout. That’s all fine and well until your code needs an Entitlement for it to be tested.
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Xcode String Catalogs 101

 · 10 min
Localization, or l10n, is an important step for any app to reach a broader market and be more inclusive. With Xcode 15, the IDE gained a versatile and easy-to-use way of handling localization: String catalogs.
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Xcode Breakpoints 101

 · 12 min
Knowing how to debug a problem is essential in any project. But there’s way more to it than just stopping at a certain point with a breakpoint. From running custom code, over symbolic breakpoints, to sharing breakpoints via Git, Xcode has something for everyone.
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